If you have ever been involved in an automobile accident, you know how serious these collisions can be. Aside from the expenses you may have to pay to repair property damages and treat bodily injury, there are many other things to consider, such as speaking to insurance companies, dealing with law enforcement, and pursuing compensation for your losses.
In many of these cases, you’ll be asked to provide a copy of your official Wisconsin accident report. This is an unbiased account of the accident and the damage it caused, as recorded by a law enforcement officer at the scene of the collision. Because these reports are far more reliable in their accounts of car crashes than your word or the word of another driver, they can be a valuable resource to you if you should seek to claim insurance benefits or file a lawsuit for your damages.
Many Wisconsin law enforcement entities will charge you unnecessary fees and make you wait in long lines to access a copy of your crash report, but with us, it’s easy! Just complete our simple, 2-minute online questionnaire to get started and to access a copy of your FREE official accident report online today.
Request Your FREE Crash Report from Home!
With us, it’s easy to access your crash report online today! We’re committed to providing you with the information you need to move forward, either with your insurance company or with law enforcement. That’s why we believe in giving you access to your crash report without requesting any financial information or credit card numbers. Accessing a FREE copy of your crash report today is no more than a few clicks away! Click HERE to begin.
It can be confusing to know what to do after you’ve been involved in a car accident. Between communicating with law enforcement officials and contacting your insurance companies to treating your injuries and taking care of damaged property, there are many things to consider.
We’re here to help you understand everything there is to know about securing your official crash report, so we’ve included a few resources below to better acquaint you with the process: